A new service for the childcare market, Callmy, will be launched at Childcare Expo 2015, London Olympia.
Unexpected events can take many forms, from bad weather to power cuts. These unplanned events can force a nursery to close and put an added burden on communication.
While a Nursery’s priority is the welfare of the children, relying on local radio, SMS or email to inform parents and carers of the situation can be time consuming and ineffective.
Callmy is a voice service that helps control a crisis. By simply making one phone call the nursery can simultaneously broadcast vital information to all parents and carers so everyone is immediately informed – this can also include extended family, friends and neighbours.
Tony Watson, Founder and CEO of Callmy commented, “we’ve developed Callmy to provide Nurseries with a cost effective and simple to use messaging service, which stands apart from SMS, email and Twitter”. It’s of great use during a crisis and will also open a more personal line of communication with parents and carers; which may be a significant business asset too”.
The service has been developed based on the Company’s many years of experience working with the Emergency Services and Civil Contingency planners.
Callmy are launching the service at this years Childcare Expo with a special show offer of £10 per month.
Callmy also hope that visitors to Childcare Expo will help to raise money for War Child – War Child UK is a specialist child protection charity working with children whose lives have been devastated by conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Syria, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. For every person who downloads the free Callmy app and visits the Callmy stand (D60) Callmy will donate £1 to War Child.
Follow Callmy ID: callmy