University Of Salford 2018 Create Student Awards
Callmy were pleased to sponsor the University of Salford 2018 Create Student Awards. The award ceremony was held at Emirates Old Trafford, the home of Lancashire cricket and celebrated the achievements of students graduating from the School of Arts and Media.
Callmy were hosted by Trevor Jones (pictured right) who is the University’s Head of Security and a leading light in the new ProtectED Code of Practice, which is the gold standard for assessing the work done by universities to look after students’ safety, security and wellbeing. With this in mind, Salford deployed Callmy Alert to support the delivery of emergency communication during security situations and other incidents affecting the smooth running of University – on the day of the Create Student Awards a Callmy message had been rapidly delivered to staff and students, alerting them of a fallen tree blocking access to one of the main car parks.
Salford are now in the process of planning for their new student intake and are also upgrading their Callmy Alert service to support the personal SOS capability. This will help to deliver lone worker protection, student safety and travel security for study abroad initiatives.
Callmy would like to thank Salford for their continued support and also for their hospitality during the Create Awards 2018.